Then I met You...

Now and then, I take time to look back on my life, on how and why I have ended up here and there.

When I look back, I see pain, suffering, rejection, many mistakes, and inevitably many heartaches. Of course, I also see some good experiences, but I’ve noticed that it’s not what drove me where I am today. My most painful ‘adventures’ are the ones that pushed me out of my comfort zone and represented my greatest challenges. I have always thought that success was achieved through pain and suffering. I have understood, recently, that, in order to pursue and attain self-achievement, success and to love oneself, you need to find the right balance between adversity and encouragement; happiness is a subtle mix between struggling by yourself and having a comforting support. I understand now. I wasn’t actually rejected from good stuff in the past, I was actually redirected to be exactly where I am suppose to be right now, which is even better.

How did I get to this mental epiphany ? well, it comes down to one simple sentence “and then I met you”.

To A. you are my best ‘meeting’, thank you for being here, for being you, and for your unconditional support.


You are not here just to fill space or to be a background character in someone else’s movie. Nothing would be the same if you did not exist.

Every place you have ever been and every person you have ever spoken to would be different without you.

We are all connected and we are all affected by the decisions and existence of those around us.

Never forget this.

‘Maybe I cry for no reason, it’s the proof that my heart is in such state of weakness, that I can’t even help myself.

But not at all. It is quite is opposite. It’s your Heart fighting fiercely for its existence.’


- Yôko Ogawa, “Cristallisation Secrète”

FASHION TIPS FROM ANNA QUAN – the Basic White Shirt Jedi Master


Attitude is everything. Don’t be afraid to experiment and stop caring about what others might think.


In terms of practical advice, invest in your basic but premium support pieces such as a pair of beautifully tailored pants or a pair of classic denim jeans that work for your figure. Classic basics are a great starting point.


As with anything — practice makes perfect


Baby steps are best,  go with a fool-proof ensemble to build up confidence.


Take all clothing as a “whole” look; it’s about subverting pre-conceived notions.

Dear Dave, Kurt & Kris,

Dear Dave, Kurt and Kris,

I have so much to tell you guys, about what you taught me, about the importance you had, and still, have on my life. You have been there, when no one else has.

I would never underline enough the importance and impact that you and Nirvana have always had on my life. In my darkest times, when I was feeling crushed by peer pressure and judgment, when I was feeling so weird, different, and alone; that I would have questioned the whole purpose of my presence on earth and the importance of being a singular human being, you were there ! I just had to listen to you, read about you or look at pictures of you and, all at once, my solitude was peopled. I have always felt like you were my friends, if though I don’t know you and you don’t know me. You’ve saved me countless time, and you taught me that it’s important to embrace my differences, to don’t be ashamed of who I was. 

Through you, your musical strength, the fact that you gave all you had, your whole body and soul, to your music, I was able to catch a breath of fresh air. By proxy, all my anger and sadness went away. Without knowing, you have always been there for me when I needed. You were my voice, you were my comforting presence, and you were my resourceful support. For me you didn’t just represent Nirvana, you embodied the perfect example of judgment free friendship, and unconditional love. Every now and then, when I’m feeling down, I isolate myself and I go for a Nirvana retreat, it’s loud, it’s bold and it’s judgment free. You are still my breath of fresh air, and I admit that very few people are aware of my love and passion for you guys…I’m afraid, if they don’t understand, that would tarnish my beloved, unconventional and precious musical relationship with you. I love you so much, and I will always be grateful for your presence and for teaching me to Come As I Was


This movie raises the essential issue regarding the relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence. As a matter of fact, it is rather disturbing, because, even if the thematic is futuristic, the issue, in itself, is totally up to date. What room is left to “nature” in a world where, thanks to innovation, everything becomes possible ? What status has human life in such context ? is it superior because it came first or is it just different ?And yet, even if, Spike Jonze insists on bioethics and inherent problems associated with technical progress; even if he let me puzzled, he reminded me what means to be a human being. There are dialogues that shot me straight to the heart, because they gather so much sensitivity, and put simple words on indefinitely human feelings, such as loneliness, and feeling empty. Vertiginous passages guaranteed. I constantly went back and forth between self-identification and creating barriers with the characters. That’s what makes this movie so innovative: its complexity resides in the reflection of our own image. Since some passages are abundant of humanity they made me able to recognize myself and it’s nice to feel “understood”. However, the ones that address the issue of artificial intelligence are somewhat frightening.

Spike Jonze found the perfect balance between tenderness and harshness, lightness and depth, relevance and close futuristic fiction. His movie let me moved and intrigued, by explicitly illustrating the irony of human feelings, raising a reflexion on solitude and perfectly illustrating the fact that loneliness is a timeless feeling that everyone is trying to fill, whatever the means.



You’re going to be Okay.

Breathe and remember that

You’ve been in this Place before.

You’ve been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you survived.

Breathe and know that you can survive this too.


These feelings can’t break you.


They’re painful, and debilitating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon. They are going to fade and when they do, you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience.


I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass. I promise.




Trust children

@zaraofficial I have a niece and she is my first & favourite fit model. I love to dress her up, she gives me confidence in my life and in my fashion choices by radiating gentleness. Out of the mouth of children come grains of truth and she taught me a valuable lesson; gentleness, playfulness and happiness are our best outfit. #trustchildren